What do You want F1 to Be? Take the GPDA Survey

Our friends over at Motorsport.com have teamed with the most exclusive club in racing; the Grand Prix Driver’s Association to create a global survey to better understand F1’s fans and help guide the future direction of the sport.

Do you like sparks flying? Hate DRS? Love Martini liveries? Want ground effect to return? Want Michelin to return? Want to sack Bernie? Here is your chance for your voice to be somewhat heard.

The Strategy Group may have most of the future say, and Bernie ultimately holds the cards, but let’s show him that the internet matters, that social media matters and that the fans can still have a say in the greatest sport on earth.

Hit the link to take the survey here: Grand Prix Drivers Association Fan Survey

Sebastian Vettel will thank you.

Image: Lotus F1 Team

About Adam Tate 296 Articles
Associate Editor of Motorsports Tribune and jack of all trades, Adam is our resident Formula 1 expert. He has covered F1, IndyCar, WEC, IMSA, NASCAR, PWC and more. His work has been featured on multiple outlets including AutoWeek and Motorsport.com. A MT Co-founder, Adam has been with us since the beginning when he and Joey created Tribute Racing back in 2012. When not at the track or writing about cars, Adam can be found enjoying the Oregon back roads in his GTI.

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