Team IndyCar Takes on “The Amazing Race” – Week Two

By David Morgan, NASCAR Editor

The 30th season of the CBS reality show “The Amazing Race” is underway and this season’s cast includes two IndyCar drivers, 2016 Indianapolis 500 winner Alexander Rossi and Conor Daly, among the 11 teams competing for the $1 million prize.

As the duo races around the world, we’ll track how they’re doing in the race and see if they can capture the checkered flag when all is said and done.


A week after finishing fifth in the first leg of the race that took them from New York City to Iceland, Rossi and Daly set out to see what the second leg had in store.

All 10 teams boarded a flight to Amsterdam, followed by a train to Antwerp, Belgium. Once in Belgium, they all had to find a chocolate shop downtown to get their next clue. Once they got their clue, teams were then instructed to go to their first Road Block of the leg.

The Road Block consisted of climbing a 100 foot rope ladder hanging off a crane to get next clue. After getting turned around navigating the roughly one kilometer distance to the Road Block, they would arrive ninth. Rossi would make the climb for the team and barely lost out to one of the firefighters, leaving them in last place.

Next up would be the detour, forcing teams to choose between two tasks to complete. They could choose from “Old Print”, in which they would use a printing press to create a document, or “Diamond Glint”, where they evaluated the worth of three different diamonds. They chose the diamond task, arriving and leaving in sixth.

Normally, the teams would then head straight to the next pit stop, but for the first time in Amazing Race history, they would be subjected to a head to head race to determine the finishing order.

After dressing up in a French fry costume, one member of each team would race against a member of another team around obstacle course pushing a hand truck loaded with bags of French fries. The winner of the race got the right to go to check-in mat, while the loser had to wait and challenge the next team.

The loser of the final head-to-head race would be eliminated.

Team IndyCar elected to have Rossi run the race, taking on Evan of Team Yale. Rossi easily won the foot race, bringing home a fifth-place finish for the second week in a row.

Standings after Week Two

  1. Team Big Brother
  2. Team Slam Dunk
  3. Team Extreme
  4. Team Well Strung
  5. Team IndyCar
  6. Team Ocean Rescue
  7. Team Chomp
  8. Team Yale
  9. The Firefighters

ELIMINATED – The Ring Girls (Week 1), Team Goat Yoga (Week 2)



About David Morgan 1703 Articles
David Morgan is the Associate Editor for Motorsports Tribune. A 2008 graduate from the University of Mississippi, David has followed NASCAR since the early 90’s and became hooked at an early age after attending his first race at Talladega Superspeedway in 1993. He has traveled across the country since 2012 to cover some of the most prestigious events both IndyCar and NASCAR have to offer, with an aim to only expand on that in the near future.